Join a community of real & verified people by their Govt. ID, name, photograph, email & mobile no and verify your identity without sharing your details everywhere.
Stop sharing your Govt. IDs everywhere that can lead to a misuse.
Verify your identity once on RagVim People and no need to share your identity proof anywhere again.
Your Govt. ID will be removed from our server soon after verification & so can not be accessed or shared by anyone.
Create a premium email address with unlimited storage on and manage all your existing accounts on a single place.
An email client that helps you to keep your new or existing email account clutter free from unwanted emails. Create upto 5 email addresses with unlimited storage for your all needs. Receive emails or chat messages in your own language regardless of what was it written in. Simple yet advanced user interface.
Receive emails or chat messages in your own language regardless of what was it written in. Create upto 5 email ids and You can also add multiple email addresses.
Simple yet advanced user interface.
We are the change India needs to curb rising pollution and traffic on the roads. Wiish is going to revolutionize the car pooling industry, FOREVER.
Verified profiles of members and ratings mean you know exactly who you are traveling with.
No need to wait for buses, avail multiple means of transport or battle the crazy crowd in metros. Catch a ride near you.
Get a ride in any car moving towards your destination at economy prices every day.